NQF Endorses Additional Neurology Measures 

MAR 06, 2013

CONTACT: Erin Weireter

NQF Endorses Additional Neurology Measures

Washington, DC – the National Quality Forum (NQF) Board of Directors has endorsed five neurological measures related to imaging and care for dementia and epilepsy, after endorsing 14 measures focused on stroke treatment in November 2012.

An estimated 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for 70 percent of dementia cases in the United States.1,2 In 2011, Medicare and Medicaid spending associated with Alzheimer’s disease totaled $130 billion, and could rise to $1.1 trillion by 2050.3 Epilepsy also affects two millions Americans, costing an estimated $15.5 billion each year in medical costs and lost or reduced earnings.4

“Neurological conditions such as dementia and epilepsy are increasingly affecting individuals and families in the United States, often leading to extensive treatment and significant emotional pain and grief,” said Helen Burstin, MD, MPH, senior vice president for performance measures at NQF. “These measures will help the healthcare community measure, report on, and ultimately improve neurological care and quality of life for these individuals."

The measures include those that have been endorsed for at least three years and are now undergoing NQF endorsement maintenance. The ongoing evaluation and updating of endorsed measures ensures they are current, “best in class,” address gaps in existing measures, are synchronistic with national priorities, and enhance NQF’s neurology portfolio. In all, 22 measures were evaluated against NQF’s endorsement criteria, with five, or 23 percent of measures reviewed, receiving endorsement status. Four of the endorsed measures were new submissions.

NQF is a voluntary consensus standards-setting organization. Any party may request reconsideration of any of the five endorsed quality measures listed below by submitting an appeal no later than April 4 (to submit an appeal, go to the NQF Measure Database). For an appeal to be considered, the notification must include information clearly demonstrating that the appellant has interests directly and materially affected by the NQF-endorsed recommendations and that the NQF decision has had (or will have) an adverse effect on those interests.

Endorsed Measures

  • 2091: Persistent indicators of dementia without a diagnosis—long stay (American Medical Directors Association)
  • 2092: Persistent indicators of dementia without a diagnosis—short stay (American Medical Directors Association)
  • 1814: Counseling for women of childbearing potential with epilepsy (American Academy of Neurology)
  • 0507: Stenosis measurement in carotid imaging studies (AMA-PCPI) (maintenance measure)
  • 2111: Antipsychotic use in persons with dementia (Pharmacy Quality Alliance)

NQF operates under a three-part mission to improve the quality of American healthcare by:

  • building consensus on national priorities and goals for performance improvement and working in partnership to achieve them;
  • endorsing national consensus standards for measuring and publicly reporting on performance; and
  • promoting the attainment of national goals through education and outreach programs.


1 Centers for Disease Control. Available at www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/data_stats/alzheimers.htm. Last accessed February 2012.
2 American Health Assistance Foundation. Available at www.ahaf.org/alzheimers/about/understanding/facts.html. Last accessed February 2012.
3 Centers for Disease Control. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/aging/aginginfo/alzheimers.htm. Last accessed February 2012. Alzheimer’s Association. Available at www.alz.org/documents_custom/2011_Facts_Figures_Fact_Sheet.pdf. Last accessed February 2012.
4 Centers for Disease Control. Available at www.cdc.gov/epilepsy/basics/fast_facts.htm. Last accessed February 2012.